The Prevalence and Psychosocial Correlates of Ketum (Mitragyna speciosa) Use among Individuals on Methadone Maintenance Therapy Programme in Hospital Taiping, Malaysia

This study looked at people who were in a treatment program for opioid addiction. The treatment involved giving them a medication called methadone. The researchers wanted to find out how many of these people were also using a plant called kratom. People sometimes use kratom to help with opioid withdrawal symptoms.

The study was done at a hospital in Malaysia. The researchers asked 215 people in the methadone program to complete a questionnaire. They found that about half of the people were also using kratom. The researchers also looked at other factors that might be linked to kratom use, like a person’s age, ethnicity, and how long they had been in the methadone program.

Key takeaways:

  • Kratom use is very common among people in methadone treatment programs in Malaysia.
  • Factors like ethnicity, length of time in the treatment program, and use of other drugs are linked to kratom use.
  • More research is needed to understand how kratom use affects methadone treatment.

For further reading:


Full Citation:

Choo, L.L.; Ahmad Zahari,M.M.; Choy, S.K.; Abdul Rahim, N.;Abd Rashid, R. The Prevalence andPsychosocial Correlates of Ketum(Mitragyna speciosa) Use amongIndividuals on MethadoneMaintenance Therapy Programme inHospital Taiping, Malaysia.Healthcare 2022, 10,